Journal Articles
Meg Abercromby, Justine Leavy, Lauren Nimmo, Gemma Crawford. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
International Collaboration with the International Drowning Research Alliance. Co-authored by WADER-N member Justine Leavy. Resuscitation Plus
Justine Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Elizabeth Newnham, Francene Leaversuch. Croakey Health Media
Journal Articles
This position statement is presented on behalf of the International Drowning Researchers' Alliance, International Life Saving Federation - Medical Committee, and International Maritime Rescue Federation. WADER-N members Justine Leavy & Lauren Nimmo were contributors.
Michael Casten, Gemma Crawford, Jonine Jancey, Malena Della Bona, Sarah French, Lauren Nimmo, Justine Leavy. Journal of Public Health.
'Go hard or go home': Exploring young people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of alcohol use and water safety in Western Australia using the Health Belief Model.
Meg Abercromby, Justine Leavy, Jenny Tohotoa, Malena Della Bona, Lauren Nimmo, Gemma Crawford. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education.
Who are the older adults who drown in Western Australia? A cluster analysis using coronial drowning data.
Meg Abercromby, Justine Leavy, Lauren Nimmo, Gemma Crawford. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. ACCEPTED.
Journal Articles
Malena Della Bona, Gemma Crawford, Lauren Nimmo, Justine Leavy. International Journal of Public Health.
Justine Leavy, Jonine Jancey, Lauren Nimmo, Carmen Hall, Gemma Crawford. Health Promotion Journal Australia.
Conference Presentations
Reaching the Hard to Reach: Exploring young people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding alcohol consumption and aquatic activity.
Meg Abercromby, Gemma Crawford, Malena Della Bona, Lauren Nimmo, Justine Leavy. Presented by Justine Leavy, World Drowning Prevention Conference. Durban, South Africa Health (8-10 October, 2019). Oral.
Getting the right message, to the right people: A practical guide to knowledge translation.
Justine Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Lauren Nimmo, Daniel Ryan. World Drowning Prevention Conference. Durban, South Africa Health (8-10 October, 2019). Workshop.
Using behavioural theory to explore knowledge and attitudes towards drowning prevention and alcohol use amonst a cross-section of young people.
Presented by Justine Leavy. International Union of Health Promotion and Education Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand. (8-10th April, 2019). Oral
Journal Articles
Stephanie Enkel, Lauren Nimmo, Jonine Jancey, Justine Leavy. Health Promotion Journal Australia.
Conference Presentations
0 through 5 years: An evaluation of kids drowning prevention program Keep Watch in Western Australia.
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Malena Della Bona, Lauren Nimmo, Jonine Jancey. SAFETY World Conference, Bangkok Thailand (6-9th Nov, 2018). Poster (published proceeding).
'I saw it in the news today': A content analysis of drowning in Western Australian news media over two summers.
Malena Della Bona, Gemma Crawford, Jonine Jancey, Justine E Leavy. SAFETY World Conference, Bangkok Thailand (6-9th Nov, 2018). Poster.
Toddler drowning prevention in Western Australia: comparing water safety practices and knowledge of parents born in Australia and overseas.
Malena Della Bona, Gemma Crawford, Jonine Jancey, Lauren Nimmo, Justine E Leavy. SAFETY World Conference, Bangkok Thailand (6-9th Nov, 2018). Poster (published proceeding).
Drowning Prevention in CaLD communities living in Western Australia.
Gemma Crawford, Justine E Leavy, Malena Della Bona, Lauren Nimmo. 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health, Edinburgh, Scotland (2018). Poster (published proceeding).
Journal Articles
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Richard Franklin, Mel Denehy, Jonine Jancey. The International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd Edition.
Mel Denehy, Justine E Leavy, Jonine Jancey, Lauren Nimmo, Gemma Crawford. BMJ Open.
Conference Presentations
A Swimming Success: Developing a Child Drowning Prevention Television Campaign.
Mel Denehy, Gemma Crawford, Justine Leavy, Jonine Jancey, Lauren Nimmo. World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia. Presentation.
'I saw it on the news last night': A content analysis of drowning in Western Australian news media.
Gemma Crawford, Justine E Leavy, Malena Della Bona, Lauren Nimmo. World Conference on Drowning Prevention. Vancouver, Canada (2017). Presentation.
How much? Using formative research and behavioural theory to develop a child drowning prevention campaign.
Justine E Leavy, Mel Denehy, Gemma Crawford, Lauren Nimmo, Jonine Jancey. World Conference on Drowning Prevention. Vancouver, Canada (2017). Presentation.
Journal Articles
Mel Denehy, Gemma Crawford, Justine E Leavy, Lauren Nimmo, Jonine Jancey. BMJ Open, (2016).
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Francene Leaversuch, Lauren Nimmo, Kahlia McCausland, Jonine Jancey. Journal of Community Health (2016).
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Linda Portsmouth, Jonine Jancey, Francene Leaversuch, Lauren Nimmo, Kristen Hunt. Journal of Community Health, (2015).
Gemma Crawford, Justine E Leavy, Linda Portsmouth, Jonine Jancey, Francene Leaversuch, Lauren Nimmo, Lauren Reid-Dornbusch, Emma Hills. Open Journal of Preventative Medicine (2014).
Conference Presentations
This much? Insights into the formative research underpinning a drowning prevention campaign in kids.
Mel Denehy, Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Jonine Jancey. ASBHM 2015, Presentation.
"This much?” Formative research to develop theory-based messages for a Western Australian child drowning prevention television campaign.
Mel Denehy, Gemma Crawford, Justine E Leavy, Jonine Jancey, Lauren Nimmo. World Drowning Prevention Conference 2015. Penang, Malaysia, Presentation.
Sinking or swimming? Connecting public health researchers and practitioners to design, implement and evaluate evidence based drowning prevention strategies.
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Jonine Jancey, Richard Franklin, Mel Denehy, Lauren Nimmo. World Drowning Prevention Conference 2015. Penang, Malaysia, Presentation.
Falling below the waterline: A systematic review of drowning prevention interventions for adults.
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Linda Portsmouth, Jonine Jancey, Francene Leaversuch, Lauren Nimmo, Kristen Hunt. 11th Australasian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference 2013. Fremantle, Australia, Presentation.
Strengthening the interaction between researchers and practitioners to design and evaluate evidence informed injury prevention.
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Mel Denehy, Jonine Jancey, Richard Franklin, Wells V, Meade R, Lauren Nimmo. Population Health Congress 2015. Hobart, Tasmania, Poster.
Strengthening Connections between Research, Policy & Practice to Design, Implement & Evaluate Evidence Based Injury Prevention Strategies.
Justine E Leavy, Gemma Crawford, Mel Denehy, Meade R, Richard Franklin, Davison E. Australian Injury Prevention Network Conference 2015. Sydney, Australia, Presentation.